
Saturday, May 10, 2014

HTML Hyperlinks (Links)

Links are found in nearly all Web pages. Links allow users to click their way from page to page.In this lesson, you will learn how to make links between pages. Links are the most fundamental part of the World Wide Web. It is the links that tie it all together.
There are three different kinds of links you can have on your website:

        Links to anchors on the current page (Internal).
        Links to other pages within the current site (Local)
        Links to pages outside the current site (Global).
The HTML <a> tag defines a hyperlink.
A hyperlink (or link) is a word, group of words, or image that you can click on to jump to another document.
When you move the cursor over a link in a Web page, the arrow will turn into a little hand.
The most important attribute of the <a> element is the href attribute, which indicates the link's destination.
By default, links will appear as follows in all browsers:
  • An unvisited link is underlined and blue
  • A visited link is underlined and purple
  • An active link is underlined and red


HTML Link Syntax:

The HTML code for a link is simple. It looks like this:
<a href="url">Link text</a>
The href attribute specifies the destination of a link.

Make  a link:

To make links, you use what you always use when coding HTML: an element. A simple element with one attribute and you will be able to link to anything and everything. Here is an example of what a link to could look like:

Example 1:

<a href="">Learn step

by step html tutorial</a>
Would look like this in the browser:
Learn step by step html tutorial
The element a stands for "anchor". And the attribute href is short for "hypertext reference", which specifies where the link leads to - typically an address on the internet or a file name.
In the above example the attribute href has the value "http://www. ", which is the full address of and is called a URL (Uniform Resource Locator). Note that "http://" must always be included in URLs. The sentence "Here is a link to " is the text that is shown in the browser as the link. Remember to close the element with an </a>.

Links  between my own pages:

If you want to make a link between pages on the same website, you do not need to spell out the entire address (URL) for the document. For example, if you have made two pages (let us call them page1.htm and page2.htm) and saved them in the same folder you can make a link from one page to the other by only typing the name of the file in the link. Under such circumstances a link from page1.htm to page2.htm could look like this:

Example 2:

<a href="page2.htm">Click here to go to page 2</a>
If page 2 were placed in a subfolder (named "subfolder"), the link could look like this:

Example 3:

<a href="subfolder/page2.htm">Click here to go to page 2</a>
The other way around, a link from page 2 (in the subfolder) to page 1 would look like this:

Example 4:

<a href="../page1.htm">A link to page 1</a>
          "../" points to the folder one level up from position of the file from which the link is made. Following the same system, you can also point two (or more) folders up by writing "../../".
Did you understand the system? Alternatively, you can always type the complete address for the file (URL).

Internal  links within a page:

You can also create internal links within a page - for example a table of contents at the top with links to each chapter below. All you need to use is a very useful attribute called id (identification) and the symbol "#".
Use the id attribute to mark the element to which you want to link. For example:
<h1 id="heading1">heading 1</h1>
You can now create a link to that element by using "#" in the link attribute. The "#" must be followed by the id of the tag you want to link to. For example:
<a href="#heading1">Link to heading 1</a>
All will become clear with an example:
<p><a href="#heading1">Link to heading 1</a></p>
<p><a href="#heading2">Link to heading 2</a></p>

<h1 id="heading1">heading 1</h1>
<p>Text text text text</p>
<h1 id="heading2">heading 2</h1>
<p>Text text text text</p>

          will look like this in the browser (click on the two links):
Link to heading 1

Heading 1

Text text text text

Heading 2

Text text text text
(Note: An id attribute must start with a letter)


Link  to anything :

You can also make a link to an e-mail address. It is done in almost the same way as when you link to a document:

Example 6:

<a href="">Send an e-mail to autor</a>

will look like this in the browser:
Send an e-mail to autor
The only difference between a link to an e-mail and a link to a file is that instead of typing the address of a document, you type mailto: followed by an e-mail address. When the link is clicked, the default e-mail program opens with a new blank message addressed to the specified e-mail address. Please note that this function will only work if there is an e-mail program installed on your computer. Give it a try!



other attributes:

To create a link, you always have to use the href attribute. In addition, you can also put a title on your link:

Example 7:

<a href=""
title="Visit and learn
HTML">HTML tutorials</a>
Would look like this in the browser:
HTML tutorials
The title attribute is used to type a short description of the link. If you - without clicking - place the cursor over the link, you will see the text "Visit and learn HTML" appears.

Link to an external style sheet:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">

<h1>I am formatted with an external style sheet</h1>
<p>Me too!</p>

Image links:

If you want to make an image work as a link, the method is exactly the same as with texts.

You simply place the <a href> and the </a> tags on each side of the image.

Below is the HTML code used to make the image work as a link to a page called
<a href="myfile.htm"><img src="rainbow.gif"></a>
If you haven't entered a border setting you will see a small border around the image after turning it into a link. To turn off this border, simply add border="0" to the <img> tag:
<a href="myfile.htm"><img src="rainbow.gif" border="0"></a>
Images that work as links can show a popup text when you place the mouse over it.
This is done with the alt property in the <img> tag.

For example:
<a href="myfile.htm"><img src="rainbow.gif" border="0"alt="Link to this page"></a>

Image mapping:

It is possible to make one image link to several pages, depending on where the image is clicked.

This technique is called imagemapping.

You simply specify which areas of the image should link to where.

n the example below, if you position the mouse in the upper left corner it links to yahoo .... and in the lower right corner.... it links to hotbot.
<img src="rainbow.gif" usemap = #example border=0>
<map name=example>
<area shape=Rect Coords=0,0,29,29 Href="">
<area shape=Rect Coords=30,30,59,59 Href="">
In the above example we only used rectangular imagemappings. Possible shapes are:
  • <area shape=rect coords= x1,y1, x2,y2 Href="">

  • <area shape=circle coords= x1,y1, x2,y2 Href="">

  • <area shape=polygon coords= x1,y1, x2,y2, .., xn,yn Href="">

There are excellent tools out there to help you create imagemaps. No one calculates the coordinates by hand. 

If you want to use imagemaps on your site you will need to get a program that will allow you to simply drag the mouse over the areas you want to work as links.

Most HTML editors have this as a built-in function.

If you do not use an HTML editor, you can still get programs that will do this boring job for you - best thing is - you can get it for free!

Below are links to websites that will help you create your imagemaps on the fly.

Just make sure that the image is uploaded to the web before using these tools.

Colors on text links:

There are a few settings that can be useful for controlling the colors of text links.

This page will teach you how to:
  • Define colors for all links on the page.

  • Define colors for individual links on the page.
Define colors for all links on the page

The general color of text links is specified in the <body> tag, like in the example
<body link="#C0C0C0" vlink="#808080" alink="#FF0000">
  • link - standard link - to a page the visitor hasn't been to yet. (standard color is blue - #0000FF).

  • vlink - visited link - to a page the visitor has been to before. (standard color is purple - #800080).

  • alink - active link - the color of the link when the mouse is on it. (standard color is red - #FF0000).

Define colors for individual links on the page:

The method described above is for setting overall link colors for the page.

However, you might want one or more links to have different colors than the rest of the page.

There are two methods for doing this:
  • Placing font tags between the <a href> and the </a> tag.
    This method will work on all browsers except MSIE 3.

  • Using a style setting in the <a> tag.
    This method works on MSIE3 and newer browsers.

The first technique would look like this:
Click <a href=""><font
color="FF00CC">here</font></a> to go to yahoo.
It is important that both the <font> and the </font> tags are between the <a href> and </a> tags.

The second technique would look like this:
Click <a href="" style="color: rgb(0,255,0)">here</a> to go to yahoo.

Now, since neither of the two methods covers all browsers, we need to use both techniques at once.

This example will work on all browsers:
Click <a href="" style="color: rgb
(0,255,0)"><font color="FF00CC">here</font></a> to go to

No underline:

By default, text links are underlined by the browser.

If your page is visited by MSIE3 or newer, you can turn off the underlining for an entire page by adding a style tag to the head section of the document.

Look at this example:
<title>This is my page</title>
<style type="text/css">
Welcome to my world!<br>
<a href="">This Link To Yahoo has no

Links in framesets:
If a non-framebased HTML document contains a hyperlink that links to a page called analysis.htm then it appears in the HTML document somewhat like this:
Click here to see the <a href="analysis.htm">Analysis</a> of
the project.
Now if the same link was in a frameset, (say in the frame window called menu) and we wanted it to link to a page that is loaded in the other frame window, (named main) then the HTML code would be:
Click here to see the <a href="analysis.htm"target="main">Analysis</a> of the project

We simply added the desired frame window (main) as a target for the link.

The link will be opened in the 
main frame window instead of the menu 
frame window where the link itself is located.

 Break out of a frame source:
<!DOCTYPE html>


<p>Locked in a frame?</p>
<a href="" target="_top">Click here!</a>

Break out of a frame result:
Locked in a frame?

Links to new window:
If you want your link to open a page in a new window use the target="_blank" in the <a href> tag.

Targetting the link to "
_blank" simply opens a new browser window that will load the linked page.

Linking to Yahoo the traditional way would require this link:
<a href="">Go to Yahoo</a>
If you add a target="_blank", the page will open in a new window:
<a href="" target="_blank">Go to Yahoo</a>
Click the link below to see this link in action:

Link to email:

Having a link that allows visitors to send email from your website can be a great addition to your site, making it easy for your visitors to send questions or comments.

There is a special link for this action.

Email links are done much the same as links to other pages, using the
<a href> tag.

An email link would require the following code:
<a href="mailto:youremailaddress">Email Me</a>
This will result in the visitor's email program opening a new email with your address already in the To: field.
If you wish to have a specific subject in the email, you can add it to the html code using subject= setting :
<a href="">Send an e-mail to autor</a>

Suppose you want an email link for your visitors containing specific text in the body of their message, simply add &body=:
<a href=" send me a copy of your new program!">Send Email</a>

Or combine all the options and allow your visitor to send email with the address, subject and text already entered.
<a href="
&body=Please send me a copy of your new program!">Email Me</a>

Create a mailto link source:
<!DOCTYPE html>

This is an email link:
<a href="" target="_top">
Send Mail</a>

<b>Note:</b> Spaces between words should be replaced by %20 to ensure that the browser will display the text properly.


Create a mailto link result:
This is an email link: Send Mail
Note: Spaces between words should be replaced by %20 to ensure that the browser will display the text properly.

Create a mailto link source 2:
<!DOCTYPE html>

This is another mailto link:
<a href="!" target="_top">Send mail!</a>

<b>Note:</b> Spaces between words should be replaced by %20 to ensure that the browser will display the text properly.

Create a mailto link result 2:
This is another mailto link: Send mail!
Note: Spaces between words should be replaced by %20 to ensure that the browser will display the text properly.

Default Email Subject and Body:
You can specify a default email subject and email body alongwith your email address. Following is the example to use default subject and body.
<a href="">
Send Feedback
This code will generate following link:
Send Feedback

Create Download Links:

You can create text link to make your PDF, or DOC or ZIP files downloadable. This is very simple, you just need to give complete URL of the downloadable file as follows:
<a href="">Download File</a>
This will produce following link and will be used to download a file.

You can not make an image download able until you follow the following procedure.

html - thumbnails:
Thumbnails are by far the most common type of image link seen in today's world. To create a thumbnail, one must save a low-quality version of a picture with smaller dimensions. Then, one should link this low-quality picture to its higher-quality counterpart.
Thumbnails are intended to give your audience quick previews of images without them having to wait for the larger, higher-quality image to load. Photo galleries make heavy use of thumbnails, and they will allow you to display multiple pictures on one page with ease.
HTML Thumbnail Code:
<a href="sunset.gif">
  <img src="thmb_sunset.gif" />
HTML Thumbnails:

Advanced text links:

Instead of just turning off the underline on all links you could be more specific in defining the way you want your links to work.

In the example below underlining is turned off for all links.

A:hover tells the browser that when the mouse is over a link the underline should appear.
The hover option only works on MSIE 4+.
(But it does not cause an error on Netscape if you include it - the effect just does not appear.).
<title>This is my page</title>
<style type="text/css">
A:link {text-decoration: none}
A:visited {text-decoration: none}
A:active {text-decoration: none}
A:hover {text-decoration: underline}
Welcome to my world!<br>
<a href="">This Link To Yahoo has no
The methods described above will turn off the underline effect for links on the entire page.

If you want to turn off the effect for just a single link, add a style property to the<a href> tag:
<a href="" style="text-decoration:
none">Go to Yahoo</a>

This example will show you how:
<title>This is my page</title>
<STYLE TYPE="text/css"><!--
A.set1:link {color: #FF00FF; }
A.set1:active {color: #FFFF00; }
A.set1:visited {color: #00FFFF; }
A.set2:link {color: #AA00FF; background: FF00AA; text-
decoration: none}
A.set2:active {color: #FF00AA; background: none transparent;}
A.set2:visited {color: #FFFF00; text-decoration: none}
Welcome to my world!<br>
<a href=" CLASS=set1> Yahoo </a>
<a href=" CLASS=set2> Hotbot </a>
Welcome to my world!

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