HTML documents are divided into
paragraphs. Any text containing more than
a few lines (or sometimes even more) should exist inside of a paragraph tag
<p>. This tag is reserved specifically for blocks of text, such as those
you would expect to find inside your favorite novel. The <p> element
offers a way to structure your text.
Each paragraph of text should go in
between an opening <p> and closing </p> tag as shown below in the
example. Well written HTML documents can gain popularity through Search Engine
Optimization and careful coding of your HTML elements.
Precision is
important when writing your code. Web spiders are a little forgiving when it
comes to malformed HTML elements. For best results, do your best to ensure your
code is complete and accurately constructed.
Create Paragraph - The <p> Element:
Paragraphs are defined with the <p> tag.Example: 1
<title>My web page</title>
<p>Here is a paragraph of text.</p>
<p>Here is a second paragraph of text.</p>
<p>Here is a third paragraph of text.</p>
This will produce following result:
Here is a paragraph of text.
Here is a second paragraph of text.
Here is a third paragraph of text.
Example: 2
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
This will produce following result:
This is a paragraph.
This is a paragraph.
This is
a paragraph.
is First Paragraph.
paragraph is a self contained unit of a discourse in
dealing with a particular point or idea. A paragraph
of one or more sentences. The start of a paragraph is
by beginning on a new line.</p>
is second Paragraph.
paragraph is a self contained unit of a discourse in
dealing with a particular point or idea. A paragraph
of one or more sentences. The start of a paragraph is
by beginning on a new line.</p>
is Third Paragraph.
paragraph is a self contained unit of a discourse in
dealing with a particular point or idea. A paragraph
of one or more sentences. The start of a paragraph is
by beginning on a new line.</p>
This will produce following result:
This is First Paragraph. A
paragraph is a self contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a
particular point or idea. A paragraph consists of one or more sentences. The
start of a paragraph is indicated by beginning on a new line.This is second Paragraph. A paragraph is a self contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. A paragraph consists of one or more sentences. The start of a paragraph is indicated by beginning on a new line.
This is Third Paragraph. A paragraph is a self contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. A paragraph consists of one or more sentences. The start of a paragraph is indicated by beginning on a new line.
Note: Browsers automatically add an empty line before and
after a paragraph.
You can use align attribute to align your paragraphs:
<p align="left">This is left
<p align="center">This is center aligned.</p>
<p align="right">This is right aligned.</p>
<p align="justify">This is jutified. This works when you have multiple lines in your paragraph and you want to justfy all the lines so that they can look more nice.</p>
<p align="center">This is center aligned.</p>
<p align="right">This is right aligned.</p>
<p align="justify">This is jutified. This works when you have multiple lines in your paragraph and you want to justfy all the lines so that they can look more nice.</p>
Don't Forget the End Tag:
Most browsers will display HTML correctly even if you forget the end tag:
<p> Here is a
paragraph of text
<p> Here is a second paragraph of text
<p> Here is a second paragraph of text
<p> Here is a third paragraph of text
Note: Future version of HTML will not allow you to skip end tags.
HTML Line Breaks:
Use the <br> tag if you want a line break (a new line) without starting a new paragraph:Example: Line break source code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>This is a<br> paragraph <br> with line
NOTE: The <br> element is an
empty HTML element. It has no end tag
This will produce following result:
This is
a paragraph
with line breaks
HTML Output - Useful Tips:
You cannot be sure how HTML will be displayed. Large or small screens and resized windows will create different results.With HTML, you cannot change the output by adding extra spaces or extra lines in your HTML code.
The browser
will remove extra spaces and extra lines when the page is displayed. Any number
of lines counts as one line, and any number of spaces count as one space.
  command in Paragraph Element:
  means ampersand
next before space.
To increase more space in
paragraph use this command.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p> 
<p>This is a paragraph.</p> 
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
This will produce following result:
This is a paragraph.
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